Thursday, December 29, 2011

Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper are seriously dating!

Bradley Cooper & Reene Zellweger
A month after splitting from her fiance, Zoe Saldana is dating again.

The 33 year old "colombiana" actress ended her 11 year engagement with Keith Britton her boyfriend in November.

A source tells E! News that Zoe is now dating her "The words" co-star, Bradley Cooper. The 36 year old Bradley Cooper broke up with Renee Zellweger in March and was shortly married to Jennifer Esposito.

Zoe's rep also tells E! the two are now ready to go public after many times of denail.

Cooper was named "Sexiest Man Alive" by people magazine and in his interview with the magazine, he says he doesn't look at himself as the ladiesman. "If your a single man and your in this bussiness, you're deemed a player" he added.

With this said, lets hope the Cooper Saldana affair doesn't take a short time since he says his bound to be a player. We dont want Cooper to be the male version of Kim we?